Artist, mentor and art&gallery curator.

Born in Slovakia, has lived and worked in Prague, Vienna and the USA. M.A. in Art History at Comenius University, Slovakia. Fine arts studies in painting and sculpture at Fine Art Academy, Prague and the Institute of Art and Design, Minneapolis. Studies in NGO management at University of Minnesota and St.Thomas University, Minneapolis and the Academy of Realist Artists, Boston. Civic Leadership Foundation Fellowship, participant fellow, Minneapolis. Vaclav Havel Foundation, program manager, Prague.

Curator and gallerist at a number of state and private galleries in Europe since 1995. Interior designer and co-owner of glass design studio. Art exhibited in Prague, Vienna, Boston, Bangor, Santa Fe, Colorado Springs, San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay since 2012.

Gallery Director and curator of Morro Bay Art Center, 2019-2022, CA.USA

Art Workshops and individual mentoring in person and online.

Barbara Sitar is a skilled, knowledgeable, and intuitive teacher and guide. Her understanding of human psychology enables her to find a unique way to instruct and motivate each individual to stretch their self-imposed limitations in creativity. She is skilled and fluent in a very broad spectrum of artistic media, so the scale of possibilities for her students to grow is endless.

Laurie Lackland, Morro Bay, California.

I had the privilege of working as an intern at MB Art Association in 2020, under Barbara Sitar as the acting Gallery Director. Her mentorship completely shifted the way I approach art, life, and any other challenges brought my way. Barbara taught me to be confident in my strengths and to use my short-comings to my creative advantage. With her guidance I was able to accomplish the graphic design tasks given to me by the association, as well as creating my own projects and exhibiting them. I am currently completing my BA in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts and Psychology at Colorado State University to become an Art Therapist.

Brooke Deegan, Denver, Colorado

As a mentor, Barbara has made a huge impact on my painting motivation and the quality of my art work. Like any successful coach, Barbara does a wonderful job balancing between motivation and critique, between providing specific instruction and encouraging you to make your own discoveries. I would still be floundering around if not for her guidance.

Sean Tuck, Los Osos, California